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Elephant Rock at Namildae

Named Namildae for its most spectacular view in the southern part of the country
A green band surrounds the silver sandy beach and blue sea like a folding screen
An elephant stands guard over this site as though it were its fate
You cannot but to fixate your gaze on its majesty that remained unaltered over the time of eternity.

  • 실안낙조-1

    Scenic view 3Elephant Rock at Namildae

    Elephant Rock with appearance of an elephant drinking water
    with its nose immersed into the sea
    As one of the 9 most outstanding scenic views of Sacheon,
    it can be viewed while sightseeing in the surrounding
    area since it is adjacent to Namildae Beach.

  • 실안낙조-2

    Namildae Beach is a white fine sandy beach produced as the result of finely crushed seashells
    A rock with the configuration of an elephant stands at the end of the beach
    It is called Elephant Rock at Namildae because its appearance of an elephant drinking water.

    Elephant Rock perpetually stands tall at its spot, rain or shine, all year round,
    causing passersby to stop and gaze at it.
    We'll guide you to Elephant Rock in the Namildae where you can enjoy the surrounding beautiful
    and cool sceneries along with the crashing waves.


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사천의 8경중 하나인 남일대 코끼리바위는 주변의 해수욕장과 잘 갖추어진 해안로,
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잘게 부서지는 파도와 그 소리가 가슴을 더욱 시원하게 만들어주기도 하고
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계절에 관계없이 찾게 되나 봅니다.

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