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12 tastes of Sacheon

12 tastes of Sacheon

Chewy clam meat

Fresh Clam Shabu-shabu

Blanched veggies that stay irresistibly crunchy,
paired with plump, juicy clam meat from our premium, thick-shelled clams
—dip it all in our remarkable seasoning sauce
for a truly delightful experience.

A spring delicacy presented by Sacheon

Flounder Mugwort Soup

Flounder helps restore energy and increases calcium absorption
Increases immune function and purifies blood
The sea breeze and sea mugwort meet and fill you with the scent of spring!

Grilled Eel Stuffed with

Stuffed Eels

No matter which store you go to in Silan-dong, it's easy.
Sprinkle enough salt to taste and it's light.
The chewy texture of the eel is excellent!

The day raw fish got watery

Cold Raw Fish Soup

Cut fresh raw fish into small pieces like noodles,
Sacheon Mulhoe is unique to chopped sea cucumbers
If you add red chili-pepper paste sauce to fresh vegetables and add ice
Sichuan-style cold raw fish soup that fits from the mouth is completed

off the coast of Sacheon, in the pristine seas

Pike Eel (Hamo) Shabu Shabu

The fins and bones of the eel are dug up like bear soup
After making the broth, I'm going to eat a piece of eel sashimi that was cut into small pieces
If you boil it in broth for 10 seconds
Enjoy the softness!

the true taste of the sea

seasoned gizzard shad

It's like a volcano-like red-lighted radish
It stimulates salivary glands just by looking at it, and it has a sour taste
The taste of crunchy vegetables and savory gizzard shad
It's a combination of flavors, so it's sour and refreshing!

Vito Island's Hidden Jewelry

Grilled oysters

The natural oysters produced in the Seopo Sea are
It's continuously exposed to the ebb and flow
The meat is firm and rich in flavor, so it's bound to be delicious!

Taste of the cool winter sea

Catfish soup with water

When you want to feel refreshed,
When you want to spend the winter in good health,
Caught off the coast of Samcheonpo with a barrel
The coolness and freshness of cubed snailfish
A bowl of dried catfish soup melted as it is!

captivating all four seasons

Sacheon Cold Noodles

Deep and thick broth, thick and chewy
A bowl of Sacheon naengmyeon with noodles and meat pancakes
Let the summer heat go cool!

Half meat! Half kimchi!

Kimchi stew with wraps

Add large tofu and thick pork
Kimchi stew that's not dry and clean
Until there's enough meat oil
If you boil it and buy it in a wrap, you have to eat two bowls of rice!

sacheon’s unique food culture


A variety of basic snacks without the need to set a menu.
Fresh seafood and a generous plate of sea food
The taste of a comprehensive gift set pouring in!

Comprehensive health food provided by the Sacheon sea

seafood stew

The biological resources in the sea are abundant.
The famous Sacheon seafood soup is made with large stone octopuses and
Various seafood from the sea in a pot
So full that it overflows!